Su Goddard
An introduction
Su Goddard has long been recognised as a unique artist in her field. Although she is better known in France and Spain she has sold to individuals and companies in the UK over the years.
Her somewhat unusual use of hand-made paper from a French mill combined with use of watercolour are the perfect vehicles for Su's soul-searching works. Abstract expressionism is more usually depicted with oil on canvas. Su's choice of medium allows vibrant, subtle and sombre colours to be used with wonderful effect. Her works have a depth that cannot be described or truly represented here. Art is created for many reasons, some being very specific; decoration, to capture a scene, to describe a person or to put across a point of view. Abstract expressionism allows the observer to reach within and stir the unconscious feelings which are within all of us. The role of such an artist is to create something that awakens unconscious feelings and emotions. Su's work will, I hope, give you the freedom to feel and experience the works in the way that is special to you . Take a look at the Gallery and let the artist take you with her on a very special journey.
The work is offered either framed or unframed and we invite viewings from both individual collectors and gallery owners. These viewings can be arranged either in Oxford, Cambridge, Bath or London. We recognise that on a computer screen you do not get either a true colour representation or - more importantly - the sense of the texture and depth of the painting; but you can at least glimpse the true effect.
NEW - You can now buy a silk scarf printed with one of Su's gorgeous paintings
Printed on to silk satin (65gsm), they cost £80 each plus £2.50 P&P. Read More >>>
To see some of her abstract work please browse the abstract gallery and Perigord Scenes
2008-2025 All images and text copyright Su Goddard
Website developed by 2m